Safer space principles

At Tampere Art Museum everyone can feel safe to be themselves and feel welcome.

We follow the legislation on non-discrimination and equality in force in Finland. The laws have been enacted in order to protect the inviolability and safety of all of us irrespective of ethnic origin, nationality, gender-identity, age, state of health or disability. A person’s political orientation, language or cultural background may not affect their treatment. We are all equal irrespective of our sexual orientation, social or economic position, family structure, world view or any other individual factor.

A safe and comfortable space is the responsibility of every one of us:

• We are polite and considerate to one another.
• We respect one another, both visitors and staff – we do not disparage or disturb others by, for example, making noise, inappropriate touching or getting too close without permission.
• We listen, discuss and encourage. We can also disagree constructively.
• We are openminded. We endeavour to be conscious of harmful or discriminatory assumptions that we make about one another and endeavour to refrain from acting upon them.
• We apologize if we have offended others.

If a situation feels uncomfortable or causes concern or if you notice that someone is in need of help, let us know. You can contact our staff immediately or later – by using our feedback form on our website. Contact can be made anonymously.
We are here to support you and will address any grievances.

The City of Tampere is committed to nondiscrimination and accessibility. Learn more how the City of Tampere is committed to support equality and non-discrimination and object to discrimination or racism: