The Young Artist of the Year

The Young Artist of the Year 2024 is Suvi Sysi.

Visual artist Suvi Sysi (b. 1990 in Nilsiä) lives and works in Helsinki. She is the 40th recipient of this nationally notable art award. Suvi Sysi’s works are primarily abstract installations. In her art, she combines the expressive techniques of printmaking, sculpture, and painting. Alongside paper, her materials include clay, wood, and plaster. Sysi examines temporality, color, light, shapes, and textures in her art, navigating the boundary between two- and three-dimensionality. Materiality, process, and wonder are central to her pieces. Sysi’s works blur the lines between the finished and the unfinished.

Suvi Sysi

The event

The Young Artist of the Year event was started in 1984 at the initiative of the Tampere Junior Chamber of Commerce. The event serves to spark discussion and to provide modern art with increased visibility. The award aims to support Finnish artists who are under 35 years old and have an international appeal.

The Young Artist of the Year receives a grant of 20 000 € and the opportunity to hold a solo exhibition at the Tampere Art Museum.

The Young Artists of the Year since 1985

2024 – Suvi Sysi
2023 – Eetu Huhtala
2022 – Emma Jääskeläinen
2021 – Joel Slotte
2020 – Aapo Huhta
2019 – Nastja Säde Rönkkö
2018 – J.A. Juvani
2017 – Tiina Pyykkinen
2016 – Reima Nevalainen
2015 – Ville Andersson
2014 – Janne Nabb and Maria Teeri
2013 – Jarno Vesala
2012 – Ari Pelkonen
2011 – Anna Tuori
2010 – Anni Leppälä
2009 – Hannu Karjalainen
2008 – Samuli Heimonen
2007 – Hans-Christian Berg (HC Berg)
2006 – Heta Kuchka
2005 – Viggo Wallensköld
2004 – Kim Simonsson
2003 – Samu Raatikainen
2002 – Ulrika Ferm
2001 – Tülay Schakir
2000 – Nanna Susi
1999 – Janne Kaitala, Jukka Korkeila, Janne Räisänen
1998 – Frank Kappas
1997 – Tommi Grönlund ja Petteri Nisunen
1996 – Kaisu Koivisto
1995 – Esko Männikkö
1994 – Susanne Gottberg
1993 – Paavo Räbinä
1992 – Osmo Rauhala
1991 – Markus Konttinen
1990 – Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Maria Ruotsala, Jarmo Kurki, Juha Saitajoki
1989 – Mari Rantanen
Grants: Jan-Erik Andersson, Anita Jenssen
1988 – Outi Kirves
Grants: Marikki Hakola, Marja Kanervo
1987 – Radoslaw Gryta
Grants: Pekka Kauhanen, Tuula Lehtinen, Harri Leppänen, Teemu Saukkonen
1986 – Tero Laaksonen
Grants: Martti Aiha, Chris af Enehielm, Kuutti Lavonen, Tapani Mikkonen
1985 – Kristian Krokfors
Grants: Kari Cavén, Markku Kivinen, Taisto Rauta