Proposed local detailed plan for the Tampere Art Museum area

On 21 November 2023, the proposal to amend the local detailed plan for the Tampere Art Museum was approved for display in the municipal board. The change in the local detailed plan concerns the areas of the Tampere Art Museum and the Amuri Museum of Historic Housing and their surroundings. The supplementary construction proposed to the south of Pirkankatu and along Puutarhakatu has been abandoned.
The Pyynikintori and Heinätori areas were included in the previous planning phase, but they were excluded from the plan area in accordance with the decision made by the municipal board on 21 June 2023 and the plan was sent for new preparation. According to the decision, the attractiveness of Pyynikintori Square will be developed on the basis of the current situation.
The change in the local detailed plan will make it possible to expand the Tampere Art Museum and develop the area. The Amuri Museum of Historical Housing will have an updated listed status. A new north-south recreational route from Särkänniemi to Pyynikinharju will be defined, the area’s cycling routes will be improved and Pirkankatu will be developed as a quality corridor for public transport.
The reference plan related to the plan and other planning and investigation data were updated to the extent that the change in the delimitation of the plan area had a material impact on the impact assessment. Due to the reduction in the plan definition, the plan reference plan, landscape plan, traffic report, municipal survey and plan economy report were updated. With regard to the other reports, the reports were taken into account in terms of the plan limitation.
The area now covers about 1.7 hectares. The change applies to the Taidemuseonpuisto Park, Tampere Art Museum and Amuri Museum of Historic Housing and parts of the streets of Niemikuja, Saarikuja, Makasiinikatu, Puutarhakatu, Mariankatu, Pirkankatu and Amurinkuja.
Content of the proposal for a local detailed plan
In the plan proposal, the Tampere Art Museum block and the Amuri Museum of Historic Housing are designated as block areas for museum buildings. The green area between the Art Museum and Pirkankatu is designated as a park area of historical and urban significance (Taidemuseonpuisto Park), which must be built taking into account the location and landscape significance of the area.
The new total building right for the area is 6470 floor square metres, including the existing building stock, and the building right for underground facilities is 2100 floor square metres. By changing the local detailed plan, the permitted building area decreases. The permitted building area assigned to the Amuri Museum of Historic Housing (section No 79) is based on the scale of existing construction.
The parts of Pirkankatu, Puutarhakatu, Amurinkuja and Saarikuja included in the plan are designated as street areas. In addition, streets reserved for pedestrians and cycling are allocated to the area, some of which are permitted for service traffic (Niemikuja, part of Makasiinikatu, Mariankuja and Hilja Gestrinin kuja). In front of a new building designed for the southern part of the Art Museum block, a part of the area is designated as a market square-like area, in which the level differences and stairs must be adapted to the environment and implemented in a high-quality manner (Carl Ludvig Engelin aukio). The Art Museum block and Art Museum Park also have parts of the area reserved for walking, cycling and service traffic (Kimmo Kaivannon kuja, Uuno Sinisalon polku).
The plan proposal also contains provisions on the protection of the built cultural environment, the implementation of new buildings and public areas, the organisation of bicycle parking, the management of stormwater and the need for analysis and consultation during the implementation phase.
The local detailed plan solution requires a reduction in the number of parking spaces, and a total of 20 parking spaces will be removed from the area. The number of bicycle parking spaces will increase. Areas have been designated for accessible parking. The area designated for pick-up and drop-off traffic will be relocated.
Impacts and background of the change
The decision is expected to have positive business impacts. The aim of the Art Museum is to be a significant national and international operator and builder of a co operation network, which is seen to have, in addition to local and regional impacts, international impacts that increase the visibility and awareness of Tampere.
A general design competition was organised for the expansion of the Tampere Art Museum and the development of Pyynikintori Square between 2016 and 2017. The winning proposal “Siilo” served as the starting point for planning the local detailed plan. The winning work of the competition has been further developed during the local detailed plan process.
A video presenting the plan proposal will be published as the plan viewing will start on 23 November 2023. After the viewing and the processing of feedback, the proposal for the local detailed plan will be forwarded for approval first to the Municipal Council, then to the City Board, and finally to the City Council. The local detailed plan can be implemented once it has become legally valid.
The reference plan of the plan, the preliminary landscape plan and the traffic plan as well as the related observation material describe the implementation option considered possible at the time of the preparation of the plan. Detailed plans guiding and illustrating the implementation of the project will be prepared during the next further planning of the local detailed plan.
Mikko Nurminen
Presenter Urban Environment Service Area Director
040 801 2665
Eveliina Hyvönen
Project Architect
044 423 5512